Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Audio Slide

Make a video of your own at Animoto.

1. An AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) file is one that is standardized with lossy compression and encoding scheme for digital audio. It offers higher quality sound then an mp3 while using an equal amount of disk space. It removes unnecessary parts without effecting the quality to make transfer easier. MP3 is a common digital file. They are smaller and can be stored in the same amount of space as a CD. AIFF(Audio Interchange File Format) is a common format used for storing sound data on a pc. This type of file is non-compresed which makes it have faster streaming for multiple audio. The difference between these files is quality. AAC has a higher quality but low complexity and are slighty lower in taking up space. AAC has a better compression scheme with less quality loss.

2.AAC: 7.1mb

3. I could tell a difference between the MP3128kps and the AAC. The 128kps sounded a tiny bit muddled and stereo sound. The AAC had a more crisp sound. MP3192kps was a little better than the 128. AIFF is probably the best since it is uncompressed.

 4. I would probably use the AAC just for the fact that it has a starndard quality sound. The AIFF is good since it isn't comprsssed but inconvenient due to its file size.
