So I guess eating someones face off is a new trend, quite disturbing indeed e_e. The new high in society, I guess now they'll attach a "buyer beware tag" when purchasing a water-soluble. But who am I to judge, I only use common sense when approaching issues such as this. This puts The Walking dead to shame almost, what am I saying that show is fucking awesome, I was shocked when Rick killed Shane, oops spoilers. But I guess he had to go, bye bye.
What I worry about is that this bath salt phenomenon will become an epidemic I mean who says that a zombie apocalypse isn't possible. I can just imagine it now, you leave from a class then all of a sudden you see someone walking, no limping towards you. All bloodied and disgusting looking, it would be so repulsive that you would have the immediate reaction to find the nearest shovel in order to prepare for the worst. Then again what possibly could you do with a shovel, bury the undead or living dead, same difference. Maybe people will have to start an emergency prepare kit if such an event were to happen. I wonder if it could spread via mosquito's, the west nile is going around like crazy. All the possibilities are starting to scare me now. Now my blog is turning into something random because I can't think of what else to say e_e. So listen to what Mel Brookes has to say, great words of wisdom.